Welcome to the tribe.
Personal Growth is a lifelong journey.
We crave identity in this world. We want to understand why we make the choices we do, work the jobs & careers occupying us in our day-to-day lives, and if we're not excited about every single day, we believe there must be a better way to live.
LionFit is a choice. It's a dedication to waking up every day to explore the deeper meaning of life, and what it is you're meant to do in this world. When you're stuck living at an average pace, living each day as if tomorrow was promised and you have all the time in the world to ultimately do what it is your heart is set on, I'm here to tell you that now is the time to take action. You know deep down already whether or not you're truly fulfilled on the path you're currently on, and to live less than what your deepest desire is calling you to do is to live less than what you're destined to achieve. Why postpone when you could be living the life of your dreams?
My name is Connor Meekins, and ever since I was a kid, I've been a dreamer. Living in a higher vibration came naturally to me at a young age, and I always had a smile on my face. The world was a playground, and having fun was what life was all about. As I grew up and went through high school, college, and on into the "real world," I started to take life very seriously. I began to live as if I had to be doing something, rather than making my own choices and leaning into my intuition of what was possible. This led me to major in a field that I knew could make me money but might not fill my cup, to take jobs that were less than fulfilling, and to try and please other people rather than simply show up and be myself.
Ultimately, through a deeper state of unhappiness, discontentment, and a clear lack of direction, I decided that the way I was going was not the way at all. Waking up and doing something I didn't love was not serving me, and it certainly wasn't serving those around me. For a long time I felt stuck, and I allowed each day to go by as if I was just going through the motions and that all my dreams would just have to wait. To wait until I had a certain amount of money, or until I felt good enough about myself to show up and do what I was destined to do.. Until one day opportunity would just come knocking at my door and it'd be back to living life to the fullest.
I'm here to tell you, through my experience, that this doesn't just "happen." You must wake up every day and consciously create the life you desire. You must begin to live each day as if it were your last, and understand that tomorrow is not promised. In fact, everything outside of the present moment is an illusion. All we have is this moment, right here, right now, and it is imperative that we do everything we possibly can to take action today on what it is deep down we know we're capable of doing..
I'm so glad you're here. Being here also a choice. You could be anywhere in this world, and as attention has become a more scarce resource, I'm grateful you've chosen to dedicate your time and energy to the pursuit of being better.
This is where we live. Every single day when we wake up, we make a conscious decision to live in abundance. To serve in a greater way, and to be the best version of ourselves so we can show up and be present for those little moments and those big moments that matter.
What do you choose to do with your 24 hours?
Let's grow.