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What's Holding You Back?


Updated: Jul 7, 2023

We all fall down sometimes in life..

Whether you're a child who's just learning to walk, or you're an adult who has had the fundamental skills the majority of your life, falling down is something that is inevitably going to happen at certain points.

But what if falling down was actually a sign of growth?

I'll share a story to give a little more color to the picture:

Two days ago, I was watching my 16-month old niece explore the playground, and she decided to wander over to the slide. I'm watching her move confidently toward this formidable piece of playground equipment, which appears to be towering over her. She was fearless, and began climbing up the stairs.. One step, another step, small stumble, step, step...

All the while, I have my hand on her back, ensuring that she is completely safe and that she will make it to the top without falling down. Onward she goes, until she reaches the very top. Ah, the view from the top.. I can imagine the victorious feeling a toddler must have standing up there, feeling like they are completely on top of the world.

Now for the exciting part.. The slide. Summoning all of her courage, my niece shows her fearlessness as she smiles, sits down, and aims for the shiny, smooth runway. Nothing but clear skies and the ride of a lifetime ahead.. She proceeds to go for it, and as she's making her move, I have my hand held about as tightly to her stomach as an overly cautious uncle can possibly have. She hits the 10-foot runway and coasts to the bottom.. Phew!

My niece did not fall this time around, and I was going to make sure of that. Looking back on this experience a couple days later, I realized that this experience translated directly to my life. I was so concerned about falling (failing), that I was actually holding back from realizing all the joy and wonder of new experiences that come from letting go.

My niece would have gone down that slide by herself just fine, but I was holding on to ensure her complete safety.

It's hard to know, especially in those types of scenarios. You want to be so protective, and you'll do anything to make sure someone you care so deeply about doesn't get hurt.

...But what if that person is you?

...And what if by holding back, you are actually causing yourself more heartache than good?

Really take an honest look at, and ask, am I holding myself back by playing it safe? Am I moving forward inside of a career path that's not aligned to what my soul desires to do? Am I taking the predictable path because I'm afraid of what might happen if I fail? Is the routine I'm currently stuck in all there is to look forward to?

I don't know what area you are holding yourself back in. What I do know is you are capable of more than you can even imagine. When you let go, and you take that step into the unknown, you summon invisible forces that will propel you forward into the life you have always dreamed about. It may be scary, and you may fall along the way, but ask yourself these questions:

Is holding back because you're scared about the potential of a fall actually keeping you from living the life you truly desire?

Furthermore, is the fall going to to be so rough that you will not be able to get up and move on, or is it just something that might give you a little bump or bruise, and a lesson moving forward?

My niece taught me a valuable lesson that day. As children, we see a world without boundaries, and we are able to live in the highest state of joy, courage, and fearlessness because everything is so new and so fresh.

As adults, we too often begin to allow fear to well up inside of our hearts and our minds, and forget that we are still fearless risk-takers meant to take on life's slides, no matter how big.

Along the way, you may fall. That's ok! It's all a part of the process.

Would you rather sit on the sidelines and watch what your life could be, or take that risk and begin to experience the thrill of all that's possible once you go for it?

2 comentários

Collin Stack
Collin Stack
06 de jul. de 2023

"The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one" interesting quote I saw recently that corresponds with this post. Great piece C!

08 de jul. de 2023
Respondendo a

Love this! That fear is often an illusion, and it blocks us from moving toward what it is we really want. The way will be shown to you as you go!

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