What is it that lights your soul on fire?
Think about the last time you were extremely excited to wake up first thing in the morning.. What was it about that day that you were looking forward to?
Was it going to an event, hanging out with like minded people, attending a conference or show you paid money to go see?
Whatever it was, chances are, YOU CHOSE to go to that. Nobody was forcing you to show up that day. You consciously made the decision to go enjoy yourself and do what it was you enjoyed doing.
Now think, why did you enjoy doing that? What was it about this day that had you ecstatic about entering into the world and showing up as your highest self? And how can you bring that person more into your day-to-day moments?
When you’re choosing what it is you want to do, you feel good while you’re doing it. Feeling good raises your vibration. It amplifies your best qualities and characteristics, and it attracts people who are also living in a higher vibration.
This positive cycle then reinforces itself. Feel good.. Raise your vibration.. Attract high quality people into your life.. Continue to seek more experiences that create more feelings of joy, love, and excitement.
On the opposite side of that, when we allow the day to carry us without setting any sort of intention for what it is we’re going to do, how we’re going to show up, who we’re going to be, and why it is we’re doing those things, we slowly start to get lost in the day-to-day doldrums.. A state of inaction, where there’s little to no movement, and energy gets stuck because we aren’t mobilizing the forces that keep us thrilled to show up daily and become who we are capable of being.
In these moments, it’s important to take a step back and reflect on what it is you really want.. What gets you out of bed in the morning? Why do you show up? Who is it that needs you the most.. Who needs your energy, your love, your kindness? And what happens if you don’t show up as your highest self? Think about the people who are missing out on your beautiful gifts. The art you were born to share. Why you are here in the first place.
We all have a special purpose in this world. It lives inside of us, and it’s just waiting to be fully expressed to those around you so you can inspire and lead others to greater results and higher quality living. Your job, your real job, is to figure out what that is.
Take time to explore these questions each and every day:
What lights your soul on fire?
Who are you when you are at your best?
Who needs your light today?
What happens if you don’t share your gifts?
Why is it important for you to tune in to what lights you up inside?
Why not show up as that person?
When are you going to truly live the life you desire to live?
Come up with a list of your own questions, and start to explore. Take that adventure into the depths of who it is you truly are. Tune into that inner flame, and decide to be the person you are truly capable of being.
I believe in you. You got this. Go make it happen.