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Follow Your Passion

Get back to doing what you’re passionate about.

Following a more traditional path can seem enticing. People will tell you it’s a more “sure bet,” a safer way to make money… The perks, the benefits, the steady paycheck...

Let me be really clear with you: THE ONLY SURE BET IS BETTING ON YOURSELF. Playing it safe is often times the worst thing you can do in the long run.

All the answers are already inside of you. Your intuition will tell you if what you’re doing is the right thing.

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, “Trust your gut.” That’s a very real thing. Those feelings you have deep down are actually trying to communicate a deeper message that has been working on coming to the surface.

This is not intended to be a message for the untrained person who is just looking for a quick buck. This is meant for the dreamers who have a deeper calling, those who know they have a gift to share with the world that they can use to serve and help people the moment they go for what they want.

Does that sound like you?

Are you someone who knows by taking a risk, you are going to start impacting others in an incredibly powerful way?

If this is you, THIS IS YOUR CALL TO ACTION. Do the thing you want to do. Do the thing you know you need to do. Deep down. Listen closely to your gut, it’s probably telling you the truth.

If you’re not sleeping at night because your dream of what your life should look like is keeping you up, stop postponing. That’s actually creating resistance. You can only fool yourself for so long.

I did this for years, trying to enjoy work that didn’t have deep meaning to me, and thinking that eventually those feelings would just go away.

What you resist, persists. It won’t just go away. It takes courage to pursue the life you’ve always imagined. The more you go in that direction, the more your life will build into that version of what you’ve been envisioning all along.

Go for it. You got this. One step at a time, one rep at a time.


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