Our greatest enemy is not the heckler.
It’s not our foe, or the person who has clearly not supported us in our development.
Our greatest enemy is someone we’re deeply familiar with, someone we have tried to understand for a long time.
It’s the person you wake up with, the one you see when you look in the mirror first thing in the morning, and just before you go to bed at night.
This person is capable of taking you to the highest high points, and the lowest low points. They are in control, whether they realize it or not.
They are the driver, the decision-maker, the shot caller, the believer and the achiever.
They are also the interpreter, and they are constantly scanning the environment for threats, criticism, approval, and love.
If they don’t receive approval and love, they feel hurt. They begin to question their worth. Why they show up every single day. This can easily become all-consuming.
This person is committed. When they get in idea in their head, they stick with it, even if it’s an idea or a narrative that’s not serving them.
They are in control, they have the opportunity to interpret this information however they would like.
They can choose to live in fear and self-doubt, or faith and self-belief.
It’s something they get to decide on every single day.
They play the game, and they play to win.
But what if they lose?
What happens?
Do they fold?
Do they give up?
Or do they begin to realize what they’re truly made of?
Do they begin to summon talents and abilities they never even recognized they had?
They always get to choose. It’s up to them to take this feedback and use it for good, or allow it to put them deeper in the rut they’ve created.
Does this person sound familiar?
They should.
This person is YOU.
YOU are your greatest enemy, and YOU are your greatest fan.
YOU get to wake up every morning and choose how you’re going to show up.
It’s not the motivational speaker. It’s not the doubter. It’s not the person who cuts you off while you’re driving. It’s not your parents, it’s not your coaches.
YOU are the ultimate decision maker, and the consistency in which you show up and believe you are capable of achieving your highest aims, your greatest goals, and your biggest dreams is EXACTLY what you will get.
It’s time to accept the truth. The life you are living right now is exactly the life you have earned. The results you’ve gotten are a direct expression of the paradigm you’ve been living in.
Now that you’ve gotten here, the question is, what do you choose to do? How do you choose to show up? Are you going to make excuses, blame others, and wonder why your life isn’t where you want it to be?
Or are you going to take complete and total ownership over who you are today, and who it is you are going to become?
The choice is yours.
The results will follow.