It's a grandiose idea to believe that life is all about the big celebrations. Waiting for those special moments, the crescendo, the grand finale.
What's interesting is how much beauty is available to us inside of seemingly ordinary moments. Walking by a colorful mural on the side of a building, a gust of wind that catches our cheek ever so slightly, a complement received from a stranger.
What is it about the big moments that has us so enamored? Why do we feel like we have to wait to experience all that life has available to us inside of each moment?
I think we get stuck on the idea that we are distanced from special moments. We experience a big event in life, and we believe that it's reserved for that type of an occasion. What if we could bring that type of an occasion into the ordinary moments? What if ordinary moments actually had extraordinary potential?
What if we could call up the wonder inside of daily life? The awe-inspiring moments that fill us with gratitude, and appreciation for all of the beauty that is abundantly available to us?
The truth is, when we wake up to the present moment, when we are tapped into the greater presence of God inside of each and every day, we realize that everything we need is already here. There's no need to wait!
It's inside of a conversation, a blue sky, a book you're reading, a post that inspires you, a new friendship.. Once you start looking for it, you begin to realize that you can see the good in everything. What a beautiful idea. And the great news is, it's true!
It's when we start seeing life as dull and boring, that suddenly we begin to experience these potentially wonderful experiences as dull and boring.
You get what you are looking for. By shifting your lens onto the positive, the inspirational, the exciting, and the beautiful, you begin to recognize how incredible this whole experience truly is.
So we have a choice - Are we going to choose to look at life as, "just another day," every time Monday rolls around? Are we just going to "go through the motions?"
Or are we going to set our gaze on the beauty all around us? What's available to us right here, right now.
When you look for the wonderful in life, it turns out life is truly wonderful. Inside of every day, instead of only reserved for the big moments.
Slow down, connect to the present moment, and realize how truly incredible it is to live this life.
Onward & upward ~
