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The Lens From Which You View

Every day we wake up, we get to choose what we are going to look at. The first thing that happens is we open our eyes.

The next thing that happens is up to you. While it's true that what we look at remains fairly the same each day when we first wake up, the next step is ours. Where focus goes, energy flows. Whether you choose to look at your phone first thing, sit down for a meditation, read, or go for a walk, this is a conscious decision.

What's more, how we choose to view things also matters. Are you able to hold your gaze on an object or field for an extended period of time? Are you able to concentrate on important tasks, to the exclusion of all outside distractions?

If you're not, this could be a beautiful opportunity to begin to train your focus.

You see, the lens from which you view controls how you see things in your world. If your lens is focused in on problems, negativity, and limited worldviews, then it's highly likely that is what will be reflected back to you.

On the other hand, if your lens is focused on solutions, progress, and expanded worldviews, then it's very likely you are going to see more of these reflections.

So it seems, abundance and scarcity are dependent on the lens from which you view.

Why is it that we get so stuck on specific problems, roadblocks, or obstacles in our lives? That the resistance sometimes seems like an insurmountable force we are up against?

Could it be that we are giving it too much power over our lives, and our potential next steps?

What if we were to flip the script, and see that obstacle as an opportunity?

Maybe the thing that is keeping you stuck is actually the thing that contains within it the message that could propel you forward.

The question is, how long are you willing to wait? What if the dream was actually right in front of you? How would that change your lens?

Would you suddenly decide to go for it? Would you realize that it's actually something that's well within your reach, and that you can summon that up right now?

You see, we can call down the thunder at any point. The question is, what is it that is holding us back? What are you focused on that's keeping you in the same limited worldview you currently have? And how is it impacting your progress, your potential, and your results in life?

This also begs the question, where do we begin?

How do we go from being constantly distracted, to holding our gaze on what's meaningful, what's important, and re-captures the dream from our newly directed lens?

We do this one moment at a time. We put down our phone, and we pick up a book. We write a physical note to someone expressing our gratitude. We take a walk and marvel at God's beauty that is all around us. We pause, reflect, regroup, and move forward.

We move away from self-punishment, and toward a loving heart posture, and we remember who we are. Who God created us to be. People clothed in compassion, kindness, patience, gentleness, and humility.

We put on every piece of God's armor. It's time to answer the call. It's time to shift your lens onto what's possible, the abundance that you're here to radiate. It's time to open your gifts.

Ask yourself, what would you do right now if you were amazing?

Go out there and live as if that is already true.

You may just realize that it actually is true.

The time is now. The choice is yours.

Go make it happen.


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