Have you ever struggled with showing up on a consistent basis?
Finding your flow can be challenging, especially if you don't have the right set of tools to support you with getting you to where you're trying to go.
Typically, when it comes to reaching your destination, you have to start somewhere. Often when we think about our own personal goals, or our journey, we think about it in terms of getting there in advance of taking the necessary steps. We can envision it, but putting it all together is the part we often times skip.
The journey of 1000 miles begins with the first step. Within the peak performance flow chart, the first step of the journey begins with gratitude.
Gratitude is a powerful word. Tony Robbins says, "You can't be grateful and fearful simultaneously." Faith & fear are invisible forces, and both of them are always fighting for our attention. What's important to realize is that in the absence of seeds we plant into our subconscious mind and constantly water, the weeds of unfavorable thoughts will grow.
Think of your mind as a fertile garden. You can choose to plant seeds of faith, belief, optimism, hope, and positivity inside of that garden. So long as you are nourishing and tending to those thoughts, they will continue to grow and ultimately appear in your life. Good things just seem to happen all around you.
When you choose not to plant these seeds, your subconscious mind responds accordingly, just as a garden would respond without seeds that are planted, watered, and provided the necessary sunlight and vital processes of nature to reap a full harvest, weeds will begin to pop up. And the trouble with weeds is that they are feisty, and they multiply the longer we allow them to grow. These weeds often come in the form of fear, doubt, insecurity, envy, and anger.
This is why it's so important to remove these weeds quickly, and the best way to do that is to replace those thoughts with more positive, life-giving seeds that can begin to grow once again in your subconscious mind (fertile garden).
By writing down 10 things you're grateful for, ideally first thing in the morning or just before bedtime, you're jumpstarting this process and moving your mindset onto more positive forces, and changing your paradigm to begin the process of creating a more desirable mental attitude.
Do this consistently and you will begin to reap the benefits of a full harvest.