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What if you couldn't fail?


What would you do with your life if you knew you couldn't fail? What would become possible if you had all the financial resources, self-confidence, freedom, and time to live the life you've always dreamed about?

I've often thought of what I want to do with my life in a very aspirational way. I think many of us do this. We get this grand & beautiful idea of what we want our lives to look like, and then the pressure of day-to-day responsibilities pulls our attention away, and we're stuck in hoping that one day things will be different. One day, things will change.

What if one day you woke up and learned that no matter what you did, you couldn't fail? You have all the time, money, and resources you need to freely create and design that castle in the sky that you've been dreaming about for so long?

What would you do?

Sometimes we get so caught up in telling ourselves the same story, the same narrative that can all too quickly become hardwired into a limiting belief. We start to live in the past, and instead of creating our future, we wait to get our motivation back. We wait for a spark of inspiration, something to remind ourselves of who we truly are.

You don't have to live that way. Life is too short to sit on the sidelines dreaming about what it's like to play in the game. That's what warm ups are for. Eventually you have to get off the bleachers and into the playing field.

When we were kids, this was such a simple concept. If you wanted to try something new, you just went for it. There was no thought of, "What if this doesn't work out?" or, "Where's the money gonna come from?" That was never an obstacle. It was simply, what sounds fun? What lights a fire inside of me?

Inside of our adult lives, we get so caught up in the day-to-day minutiae of what seems all-important, that we forget to be child-like. We forget about that little dreamer inside of us that believes anything is possible. The person who believes in the power of going all in, and has the curiosity to learn new things.

Sometimes we need to set aside the money questions. While this can be an ever-present concern with money, if you always think about it as an obstacle, it will continue to be an obstacle. If you can just suspend disbelief for a period of time, you will gain a more clear vision of what your life would look like if money wasn't even involved in the picture.

This is where you let your dreams run wild. This is where you paint the picture of how your life would look if you had all the resources readily available at your fingertips. Go full Picasso on them, it's okay! That's what this is all about. Being that young dreamer again who believes that anything is possible.

Once you're done painting, sit down, close your eyes, and imagine being inside of that life. Imagine being in that dream house, or driving along that oceanside every morning, climbing that mountain, taking that adventure. Feel those feelings of bliss, of contentment, of true fulfillment and invigoration. Just for a few minutes, sit with that, and imagine if it became your reality.

This should be a daily exercise, something we grow intimately familiar with. If you can imagine it, if you can hold that idea in your head, you can have it in physical form. It all starts with the intellect, then we get emotionally involved with that idea. Once that happens, it's only a matter of time before that idea manifests itself on the physical plane.

The late and great Bob Proctor once said, "All the power is 100% evenly present in all places at the same time. That means it's in you, it's in me." Everything you need is already here. You just have to get in harmony with it.

Change your thoughts, change your life. Instead of waiting, start creating. Become that young dreamer, once again, and paint freely on your canvas. You'll be amazed at how the results will manifest inside of your life.


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